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[단편] 개들의 침묵(박현철)

감독 박현철  | 단편

젊은 시절 불합리에 맞서 싸운 적 있는 아버지(호성·김뢰하 분)와 전역을

앞둔 의경 아들(국영·김성철 분)이 시위 현장에서 만나 벌어지는 이야기를 담았다.

양극단으로 흐르는 우리 시대의 자화상을 들여다 볼 수 있는 작품.

영화 ‘설국열차’, ‘비스티 보이즈’, ‘마더’ 등에서 조감독을 맡았던

박현철 감독이 메가폰을 잡았다.

In the days of his youth, Ho-Seong protests against a government

deemed to be unreasonable.

But his protests come at a significant sacrifice.

He loses his wife, becomes crippled in one leg and mute.

Fast forward to the present day, Ho-Seong is on his way

to the marketplace to make preparations for his wife's memorial ceremony.

In the city center, a violent protest is brewing and

he gets swept up in the maelstrom when he runs into

his none other than his one and only son, Guk-Yeong.

│ 영화 보러가기 : https://www.vlive.tv/video/79824