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[단편] Rendezvous


RENDEZVOUS Cast and Crew 

Written and Directed By Michael Arnold 

DP & Editor Michael Lindberg 

1st AD Troy MacLellan 

2nd AD Jon Racinskas 

Still Photography 

Corey Malcolm Lajeunesse & 

Eny Rebel 

Production Assistant 

Waqas Rasheed 

Onset Translators/Production Assistant 

Sooyeon Oh 

Moana Song 

Script Translation 

Jisun Kim 


Junhee Lee as Jiwon 

Seohee Lim as Jisoo 

Hong Suk Yeon as Minwoo 

Shim Hye Kyoo as Soobin 

Copyright 2012/2013 

Michael Arnold Productions 

Contact: mike_arnold@hotmail.com or michaelarnoldproductions@gmail.com


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